Space Frogs Among Us!

Does everything seem to go wrong just when you thought it would go right? Do you find yourself always making the wrong choices? Is it hard to sleep because you can’t stop thinking about the decisions you've made? There is a reason for all of this! You are being influenced, and every move you make is being watched!

A silent invasion is happening right now. The Amphibs, intelligent beings from Solania, the planet we know as Kepler-452b, have infiltrated our world. Driven by their desire for excitement and control, they have subtly embedded themselves into the very fabric of our society.

For years, the Amphibs have quietly entered our world. They use memes, like the famous Pepe, to make us comfortable with their presence and to influence our thoughts. Their goals are far from harmless. Bored with their static life on Solania, the Amphibs turned their gaze towards Earth for a new game. Their plan is sophisticated and insidious. They aim to control us, just as we once used frogs as puppets. The tables have indeed turned.

This website is your guide to understanding their invasion. Explore our documents and evidence to uncover their plan. By learning and sharing this information, you become part of the resistance. Together, we can thwart their schemes.