Space Frogs Among Us!

About Me

I'm a seeker of truths hidden beneath the surface of our everyday reality. My journey began not with the ordinary, but with the extraordinary. Through a unique ability to astral travel, I have uncovered secrets that most can only dream of. My encounters with the Amphibs have revealed a covert invasion that threatens the very fabric of human society.

During my astral travels, I have made it my mission to explore distant planets and discover the various forms of life that exist beyond our own. One of these journeys took me to the planet we know as Kepler-452b, or as its inhabitants call it, Solania. It was there that I met Forg Prefect, an Amphib living in seclusion with a group of peaceful rebels. This was my first journey so far from Earth, and it was an incredibly challenging experience.

Forg Prefect was an Amphib, yet he and his group lived apart from the main society. Through our conversations, I learned about the broader Amphib society and their plans for Earth. Forg Prefect shared insights into their culture, technology, and their covert operations on our planet. These revelations were both enlightening and alarming.

My work is rooted in the belief that knowledge is power. Through extensive research, analysis, and the sharing of critical information, I aim to empower individuals to recognize and resist the Amphibs' influence. This website is a culmination of my findings, providing a platform for education, awareness, and resistance.

Join me on this journey. Explore the depths of the Amphibs' plans, understand their tactics, and become a part of the resistance. Together, we can uncover the truth and protect humanity from becoming mere puppets in their cosmic game.

The truth is not just out there; it is here, within our grasp. Through vigilance, education, and collective effort, we can expose the Amphibs' schemes and safeguard our future. This is our mission, our duty, and our destiny.

In future updates, I will share more detailed accounts of my conversations with Forg Prefect, providing deeper insights into the Amphibs' society and their true intentions.