Space Frogs Among Us!


Solania: The Hidden World

Solania, the planet we know as Kepler-452b, is a world shrouded in mystery and wonder. It is the home of the Amphibs, an ancient and intelligent species whose existence has remained hidden from humanity for centuries. This distant planet, orbiting a sun-like star, harbors secrets that have intrigued and confounded even the most brilliant minds.

Kepler-452 System

Astronomical Characteristics

Solania, like Earth, orbits its star at a distance that places it within the habitable zone, allowing for the potential presence of liquid water. This exoplanet is about 60 percent larger and five times more massive than Earth, resulting in stronger surface gravity. The planet's year lasts approximately 385 days, closely mirroring Earth's orbital period. Solania's star is older and more energetic than our sun, which may cause the planet to gradually heat up and potentially lose its surface water over the next 500 million years.

Geography and Environment

Solania is a water-rich world, covered by vast oceans and dotted with numerous islands and archipelagos. Its surface is a tapestry of blues and greens, with lush vegetation thriving along the coastlines. The planet's atmosphere is thick and humid, creating an environment perfect for amphibious life forms. The waters of Solania are teeming with diverse aquatic species, many of which remain undiscovered by human eyes.

The Amphibs

The Amphibs are the dominant species on Solania, characterized by their amphibious nature and advanced intellect. These beings have evolved over millennia to adapt to both aquatic and terrestrial environments. Their society is a complex web of hierarchy and tradition, deeply rooted in the natural rhythms of their planet. The Amphibs possess an innate understanding of biotechnology, which they use to manipulate their surroundings and enhance their capabilities.

Technology and Culture

Solanian technology is a blend of organic and mechanical innovation. The Amphibs have mastered the art of bioengineering, creating living machines that serve their needs. Their cities, built both above and below the water, are marvels of architectural ingenuity, seamlessly integrated with the natural world. The Amphibs' cultural practices are deeply intertwined with their environment, emphasizing harmony and balance.

Interstellar Ambitions

The Amphibs, driven by curiosity and a desire for new experiences, turned their gaze towards the stars. Earth, with its dynamic and diverse life, became their primary focus. Using advanced technology and subtle manipulation, they began to infiltrate human society. Through memes, cryptocurrencies, and other digital means, the Amphibs have woven themselves into the fabric of our world, preparing for their ultimate plan of control.